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jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008
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What is AJEF??

A.J.E.F. Is an acronym which stands for Association of Youth Hope of the Fraternity (Asociacion de Jovenes Esperanza de la Fraternidad), It is an appendant body to Freemasonry for boys aged 14-21 in México, United States and Latin America.
Although initially the local organizations were known as AJEF Lodge the title recently changed to Chapters in order to reinforce the fact that it is not Masonry, but an appendant body to it.
Every chapter is sponsored by a Masonic Lodge, in both Economic and moral support.
It is equivalent in its focus and function to the Order of DeMolay.
Although it is open to both sexes mixed sessions are forbidden except on Special occasions in which there must be a master Mason present.

Structural Organization

There are a number of regional organizations of Chapters that have yearly meetings in order to appoint small changes in customs and lithugy thus varying pointual aspects. Some oif these are:
The Mexico Valley Organization
The Veracruz Council
The Honorable Central Council of Tamaulipas
The members of a Chapter or Lodge are:
First adviser
Second adviser
Master of Choir
Leading of Ceremonies
Donations Collector
Flag Keeper
Instructor(a master mason)
Town - Its the name given to the general participants who do not have a particular position


It was founded in Havana, Cuba on February 9th, 1936 by Fernando Suárez Núñez (may 7th 1882, Jan. 24 1946), the first chapter was called “ESPERANZA” (Hope)[1]
Reaching 5'000 members by 1938 its rapid growth began to foster chapters Overseas. In 1939 the first Mexican A.J.E.F. Lodge 'Benito Juarez' was established at Veracruz

Mystic and Rituals

The rituals that constitute the exercise of 'Ajefismo' are aimed at developing moral values and social skills among the initiates.
The Letters A.J.E.F. have in themselves a deeper meaning, as these are the letters of the 'fundamental words' Love, Justice, Hope and Fraternity (Amor, Justicia, Esperanza y Fraternidad).[2]
The institutions motto, always at the bottom of essays and official papers is "for the nation and mankind" (Por la patria y la humanidad).
The initiation process varies according to the region even though there is an official written liturgy with such cases noted[3], as are funerals and weddings; these initiations may vary from being verbatim to the liturgy to identical to those performed in adult Freemasonry.
In that same vein it is not uncommon for AJEF Essays to be about Esoteric themes as well as science, morals or history, and its not uncommon to find young participants to be well versed in the occult themes of Masonry.

Via: Wikipedia
sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008
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Sexta Semana Cultural

EL CENTRO CULTURAL, asociación Civil
"La cultura, espíritu de la sociedad"
Se complace en invitarlos a la "Sexta Semana Cultural" con motivo de su 96 Aniversario, que se realizará del 12 al 18 de Febrero del año en curso con el siguiente programa:
  • Martes 12, a las 20:00 hrs.
Presentación del Presidium e Invitados de honor
Inauguración por el: Maestro Arturo Zamora Jimánez. Director de la División de Estudios Jurídicos del CUCSH de la U. de G.
Conferencia Magistral por el Lic. Luis Alberto alberto Güemez Ortiz, Directos General de Promoción Económica del H. Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara, del proyecto "La Villa Panamericana"
Conferencia por el Ing. Saúl Miranda González, "Doctrinas Filosóficas del Centro Cultural"
  • Miércoles 13, a las 20:00 hrs.
Conferencia por el Mtro. Salvador Chávez Silva "La importancia del arte y la vida a través del arte" con "Exposición Pictórica"
  • Jueves 14, a las 20:00 hrs.
Presentación de la película "Heredarás el viento" y explicación por el Lic. Juan Carlos Rodríguez Mora.
  • Viernes 15, a las 20:00 hrs.
Ponencia por el Lic. Oscar Sánchez Riveroll "Medicinas ancestrales de los Nativos Norteamericanos"
Presentación del Grupo de bailes Polinesios" de la Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal de Jalisco.
  • Sábado 16, a las 17:00 hrs.

Ponencia por el Lic. en Educación Juan José Ramírez Campos, sobre la ceremonia "El fuego nuevo"

Comentarios sobre "El Ajefismo" por los jóvenes: Rodrigo Velarde, Carlos Salvador Gutiérrez y Manuel Lugo.

Ponencia por el Dr. José Cenobio Vázquez Rábago "Virus del Papiloma Humano y su vacuna"

Ponencia por un estudiante de medicina "La Juventud hoy y a futuro en la depresión"

  • Domingo 17, a las 12:00 hrs.

Resital colectivo de la "Sociedad de Aumnos del Dep. de Música del Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño" de la U. de G.

Presidente de la Sociedad de Alumnos , Mtro Emmanuel Gallardo García -Bajo

Lic. Psic. Marco Antonio Navarro García - Piano

Juan Carlos Rodríguez Pérez - Piano

Lic. Gabriel Inzunza - Guitarra

Edgar Adrián Hernández Figueroa - Flauta

Presentación por la Mtra. Ivonne Marcela Damazo Hernández del grupo "Baile Hawaiano y Tahitiano Onipa'a"

  • Lunes 18, a las 20:00 hrs

Escritor y Periodista Lic. Marco Aníbal Cárdenas Lara: Semblanza del Lic. José Guadalupe Zuno Hernández

Palabras de Danny Morales sobre exposición fotográfica "Expresión Artísitca"

Presentación por el: Ten. Corl. de Parac. Jesús Pérez Rodríguez el libro "Fraternidad de Paracaidistas Militares"

Presentación del grupo "Percusiones Africanas", del CEntro Cultural Mercado Bola de H. Ayuntamiento de Zapopan.

Nuestro agradecimiento anticipado por su apreciable asistencia

Centro Cultural A.C.

López Cotila #111 casi esquina con Molina. Zona Centro.

Tel. 3614-3208 Guadalajara, Jal. Méx.

"Expresión Artística"

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